5 ways to improve your ‘About Me’ page

(#1: remember it’s not really about you)

It’s one of the web’s biggest misnomers: the ‘About Me’ page. Here’s the secret –  it’s not really about you. Sadly, plenty of business bios and personal profiles follow a literal interpretation of the title and are merrily boosting their bounce rates.

Tell me more

Your About Me page is where a new visitor comes to see who you are and whether you provide what they need. In just a few moments they’ll assess whether it’s worth sticking around – so while they might be looking at you, they’re actually thinking about ‘me’.

What the page should focus on is the value you can offer your visitor. Can you fix their problem? Can you soothe their pain point? What is it about your product that will benefit them? Sure, if they’re going to do business with you, they’ll want to know something about you – but time is precious. A viewer won’t even scroll down a page if they’re not immediately sure that they’re looking in the right place. So start smart: state what you can do for them.

And keep it brief! The more you type, the faster people tune out. Here are 5 ways to keep it focused on conversions:

1. Know your audience

Who are you talking to? Have you drilled down into discovering who your target audience is? Know who you help and how you help them – then use your About Me page to make that crystal clear. Tailoring it to your audience will help you make an immediate connection.

2. Focus on quality

Would you turn up to a meeting in your pyjamas? Invest time in quality content for the page that reflects the value of your product or service:

  • Use bespoke graphics to avoid a generic feel.

  • Double check that none of your links are broken. Then triple check it.

  • Include winsome pictures of your team.

  • Check that your branding and bio are consistent across all of your platforms.

  • Ensure that you keep it up to date.

3. Show credibility

Here’s where you can boast about your experience, any awards you’ve received, and any coverage in the media your product or service might have had. If you’ve got a client who’ll provide an endorsement, even better. This feature needn’t be a whole extra paragraph – client logos and a few testimonial quotes will speak volumes.

4. Give a personal touch

Add a little something about what inspired you to get started in the first place – your motivation for starting and the passion that keeps you going. If the reader has got this far, they’re interested in your offer, so now’s the time to get them interested in you. Keep this part brief and highly relevant – no one wants to read your life story.

5. Sign off

…with a call to action. If your visitor read through to the bottom of your About Me page, they’re that much closer to being a warm lead. Offer them a call, a download, or a consultation. At this stage they’ve got their nose up against your shop window – this is your chance to greet them with a smile and invite them in.



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